Metallic foreign body (MFB) ingestion is a common problem in the pediatric population. Morbidity and mortality rates are low in foreign body ingestion during childhood, but it may lead to anxiety in parents.
Materials and Methods:
We aimed to analyze the clinical presentation, etiology, and management of MFB ingestion. The records of children admitted with a history of MFB ingestion were retrospectively reviewed. Data regarding gender, age, type of foreign body, management, and outcome (outcomes) were recorded.
Of the 151 children included, 67 (44.4%) were male and 84 (55.6%) female. The mean age was 49.3±39.2 months. Coins, in 108 patients (71.5%), were the most commonly ingested foreign bodies, followed by batteries in 19 patients (12.6%), and other metallic objects. The foreign bodies were located in the esophagus in 70 (46.4%) patients, the stomach in 29 (19.2%), and the small intestine in 52 (34.4%). Endoscopic interventions were performed in 69 patients (45.6%). One patient who swallowed a battery was operated because of acute abdomen.
MFB ingestion may appear as an emergency condition of a preventable cause in domestic accidents. It must not be forgotten that in addition to protective measures, early intervention in the emergency department is a significant factor in reducing mortality associated with this condition.