Interperation of “Basic Ultrasonografy Course” in Emergengy Medicine
Meeting Report
P: 46-49
March 2011

Interperation of “Basic Ultrasonografy Course” in Emergengy Medicine

Eurasian J Emerg Med 2011;10(1):46-49
1. ATUDER Acil Görüntüleme Çalışma Grubu Başkanı
2. ATUDER Acil Görüntüleme Çalışma Grubu Üyesi
3. ATUDER Başkanı
4. ATUDER Temel USG Kursu Eğitmeni
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 17.01.2011
Accepted Date: 18.01.2011


Ultrasonography (USG) in emergency deparments (EDs) have became widespread in the whole world for last 20 years. USG education surely is very important. The wide spread usage of imaging techniques especially USG for both of diagnosis and treatment to speed up the cycle of increasing patient load of EDs have been encouraged by Acil Tıp Uzmanları Derneği (ATUDER).

If an ideal imaging device for EDs would be asked to imagine, USG have most of properties that are needed. While USG has been consolidated its position in all medicine, it has been given fi rst place in EDs. On the other hand, it was told that USG could be used only by radiologist early on, USG is an obligation for emergency physicians and in EDs nowadays.

‘Basic USG Education’ must be necessarily in emergency medicine curriculum. ATUDER have arrayed ‘Basic USG Course’ for the last 6 years to support emergency physicians who have not taken adequate education. This article is aimed to explicate about this course.

Keywords: Emergency medicine, emergency ultrasounography, ultrasonography, USG course


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