In our study, we aimed to evaluate the trauma patients who were admitted to Department of Emergency Medicine, Uludag University Hospital for demographic characteristics, triage categories, and necessity of a third-level emergency service.
Materials and Methods:
Data of the trauma patients admitted between November 1, 2012 and November 1, 2013 were selected by a retrospective systematic sampling. The patient age, sex, admission date, trauma mechanism, body part affected by trauma, and triage categories have been recorded.
In all, 3251 patients were included. Most cases were men (66%); the age of trauma exposure was 18-64 years age. Most patients were admitted between April and June, and the most frequent mechanism of trauma was sprain and crush. The hospital admission rate is higher in triages 1 and 2, and discharge rates were higher in triages 4 and 5.
To determine the severity of the trauma patients that comprised a special group in the emergency department, triage categories can be effectively used. Considering emergency admissions, 80.4% were not found to be emergent patients group, and these patients should be referred to outpatient clinics.