Hand injuries can be considered among the most common cases observed in emergency services. Isolated hand injuries constitute a considerable proportion of occupational accident related injuries. In this study, patients with isolated hand injuries who presented to the emergency service were investigated.
Materials and Methods:
We have retrospectively investigated the data of the patients applying to the emergency service of a third-level hospital between November 2011 and October 2012 with the complaint of isolated hand injuries.
This study included 96 patients (69 males and 27 females) applying to the emergency service with the complaint of isolated hand injuries in a year. The average age of the patients was 27.95±18.91 (1-75). It was observed that patients applied to the hospital mostly during the day (8 am-4 pm) and less during the night (12 am-8 am). It was found that almost 50% of the patients (46.9%) applied to the hospital in the first hour following the injury. The rate of frequency of injury mechanisms was 50%, penetrating injuries 27%, labor accident 21% and the othercauses of injuries 2%. The injuries were mostly seen on the fingers. Finger amputation was reported in 24 of the injury cases and mostly on the distal phalanges.
In this study, fingers were the most commonly affected part in all cases of isolated hand injuries and consultation was demanded for most patients.