
Yetmiş Ensefalopati Olgusunun Retrospektif Olarak Değerlendirilmesi

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Eurasian J Emerg Med 2003;2(2):33-35

Encephalopathies are with temporary changes in conscious, often not causing focal symptoms and findings. The aims of this study were to determine the frequency of encephalopathies, and to discuss the clinical significance of these disorders. We studied retrospectively encephalopathy cases presenting with unconsciousness between January-December 2000 in the emergency service of Ondokuz Mayis University. Seventy patients were included in this study. Encephalopathies were 5.1% of all neurological emergencies. Hypertensive encephalopaty was the most frequency disorder (17.14%), and it was followed with ischemic-hypocsic ensephalopaty (15.71%). In all cases, there was a discernible connection between a good prognosis with early diagnosis and rapidly treatment. Finally, encephalopathies may be a warning characteristic of underline diseases. Therefore, encephalopathies should be recognized early and treated rapidly.

Keywords: Encephalopathy, emergency service, early diagncxsis and treatment