Original Article

Multivariate Prospective Evaluation of Patients Admitted with Acute Abdominal Pain in Emergency Surgery Clinics


  • Müjgan Çalışkan
  • Ayşe Coşkun
  • Aylin Acar
  • İbrahim Atak
  • Süleyman Kalcan
  • Abdullah Şişik
  • Mustafa Kaya
  • Koray Koşmaz
  • Hasan Avcı
  • İ. Ege Subaşı
  • Orhan Alimoğlu

Received Date: 25.10.2009 Accepted Date: 26.11.2009 Eurasian J Emerg Med 2010;9(2):75-82


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the clinical history, physical examination, cause of abdominal pain, laboratory and radiological examination of the patients admitted with acute abdominal pain in emergency surgery. Additionally, the fi rst diagnosis according to the symptoms and physical examination, secondary diagnosis according to the laboratory and radiological fi ndings and fi nal diagnosis after follow up were compared.

Materials and Methods:

From April 2009 to February 2009, nine-hundredfi fty-seven patients with complaints of abdominal pain were admitted to emergency surgery. Patients were fi rst diagnosed according to symptoms and physical examination, secondary diagnosis according to the laboratory and radiological fi ndings and fi nally diagnosed after follow up for one month. First, secondary and fi nal diagnoses were compared for compliance.


40.1% of the patients were men and 59.9were women. Sixty-eight patients (7.1%) underwent urgent surgical treatment. Sixty-fi ve patients (6.8%) were discharged after medical treatment. Seventy-seven patients (8.1%) were treated in the observation room. Compliance rate of the secondary diagnosis with fi rst diagnosis was 66.5%, fi rst diagnosis with defi nitive diagnosis was 64.1%, secondary diagnosis with defi nitive diagnosis was 93.4% and fi nally the compliance rate of the three diagnoses was 63.5%.


Compliance rate of fi rst diagnosis with defi nitive diagnosis was 64,1% and the second diagnosis with defi nitive diagnosis was 93.4%.

Keywords: Acute abdominal pain, first diagnosis, definitive diagnosis