Case Report

Epinephrine: Medication Error


  • Halise Akça
  • Nilden Tuygun
  • Emine Polat
  • Can Demir Karacan

Received Date: 05.05.2016 Accepted Date: 11.05.2016 Eurasian J Emerg Med 2016;15(2):111-113

Epinephrine plays an integral role in the treatment of several life treating diseases. It can be administered at different doses and through different routes of administration. Nebulized L-epinephrine has been described as a safe treatment method. There is a significant difference in doses between nebulization and parenteral administration of epinephrine. Medication errors can result in death due to the use of high-dose epinephrine with parenteral administration. Here we report a child patient who was accidentally exposed to an approximately 30-fold higher dose of intravenous epinephrine. However, the patient did not develop permanent damage. Medication errors are common in pediatric inpatients, and efforts to reduce them are needed.

Keywords: Child, epinephrine, medication error